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KCI 등재
使役句硏究小考 - 以形源動詞爲中心
중국언어연구 74권 83-103(21pages)
DOI 10.38068/KJCL.74.4
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003732030

通過跨語言分析我們獲悉表達致使的三種類型,其一是利用使役標記詞,其二是附加使役詞綴的形態標記,其三是无標記的使役零標記。我們通過形源動詞的及物性和起始性來證明漢語形容詞的致使用法,通過對照具有形態標記的韓語和日語的形容詞起始性和及物性轉換,得到其結果是: 其一具有致使結構的形源動詞,受域外論元導致使役; 其二具有起始性的非致使結構的形源動詞,不受域外論元的影響,而是自身控制導致其使役。這種現象通過漢韓日得以證實。

Through cross-linguistic analysis, we learn that three types of expressions are caused by the use of causative markers, the other is the morphological marke of causative affixes, and the third is the unmarked causations-zero marker. Through de-adjectival verbs with transitivity and inchoativity, We prove Chinese de-adjectives’s causatives, through by the competing transitive and inchoatives alternation of de-adjectives with morphological marks in Korean and Japanese, we find that the result is: de-adjective verbs with a causative constructure is led by external argument; secondly, de-adjective with a non-causative constructure is not controlled by extral argument but controlled by itself. this phenomenon can be confirmed through the Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]