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16∼18세기 분재문기(分財文記)에 수록된 배이사급입안(背?斜給立案)의 내용과 성격
The Content and Nature of Baetal Notarized Documents(背?斜給立案) on Ownership in Documents on the Division of Property(分財文記) in the 16∼18th Century
문숙자 ( Moon Sook-ja )
고문서연구 vol. 52 87-113(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-900-003697161

본고는 조선시대 고문서 중 뒷면에 背?이 가장 많이 수록된 分財文記를 토대로 그 뒷면에 쓰인 ‘背?斜給立案’에 대해 그 내용과 성격을 파악하기 위해 작성하였다. 분재문기의 배탈은 주로 앞면 재산분할문기에 수록된 내용의 일부에 변동이 생겼을 때 소유권 변동 사실 등을 公證하기 위한 사급입안의 형태로 쓰였다. 배탈사급입안은 노비나 토지매매시 官의 공증을 받는 사급입안이, 절차가 까다롭고 비용이 소요되므로 이를 간략히 한 약식 사급입안의 성격을 띤다. 사급입안이 점차 감소하는 18세기에 배탈사급입안은 급격히 증가하였다. 조선초기부터 노비나 토지매매시 관에 신고하도록 한 데에는 매매를 억제하려는 의도가 있었다. 그러나 매매가 억제되지 않고 점차 확산되자 노비매매 공증에는 사급입안과 함께 간략한 배탈사급입안이 병행되고 점차 배탈사급입안의 비중이 늘면서 공증 절차가 간단해졌다. 반면 토지는 배탈사급입안을 발급받지 않고 매매시에 새로운 매매문기와 구문기를 함께 건네받는 방식이 정착하였다. 분재문기에는 많은 노비가 수록되어 있어 수록된 노비의 매매 사례도 많고, 이 때문에 뒷면에 배탈사급입안이 등재되는 빈도가 높았다. 배탈사급입안은 간략한 형태의 공증임에도 불구하고 방매자의 二重放賣 금지와 함께, 매득인의 소유권 증빙의 두 가지 효과를 낸 효율적인 행정절차의 문서라 할 수 있다. 이와 같이 재산의 분할과 상속, 그 이후에 이어지는 매매와 매매사실의 신고·공증의 과정 속에서 배탈사급입안을 이해할 필요가 있다.

This study set out to investigate the content and nature of “Baetal notarized documents on ownership” on the back of paper based on the documents on the division of property with the most Baetals on the back of old documents in Joseon. In documents on the division of property, Baetals were mainly used in the form of notarized documents on ownership to notarize a change to ownership in case of some changes to some of the content on the front of the documents. When there was a dealing of slaves(奴婢) or land, the concerned parties had to have their documents on ownership notarized by the government office. The procedure was particular and expensive, which was why they introduced a simple format. Baetal notarized documents on ownership have the nature of a simple document on ownership. The amounts of notarized documents on ownership gradually decreased in the 18th century when Baetal notarized documents on ownership made a rapid increase. The government intended to restrict the trade of slaves or land and accordingly made it mandatory to report such a case of trade to the government office from the early days of Joseon. The trade of slaves and land was, however, not suppressed and instead spread gradually, which resulted in the introduction of a brief Baetal notarized document on ownership for the notarization of slave trade along with notarized documents on ownership. As the percentage of Baetal notarized documents on ownership rose gradually, the notarization procedure became simple. In the area of land trade, a new method settled down of exchanging old documents as well as new ones on the trade of land instead of issuing a Baetal notarized document on ownership. There were many slaves recorded in documents on the division of property, which means there were also many cases of trading registered slaves. It explains the reason why the frequency rose of Baetal notarized documents on ownership recorded on the back of paper. Even though Baetal notarized documents on ownership represented a simple form of notarization, they promoted an efficient administrative procedure to generate dual effects of forbidding the seller’s double sale and ensuring the buyer’s evidence of ownership. These findings raise a need to understand Baetal notarized documents on ownership in the processes of property division and inheritance, subsequent trade of property, and reporting and notarization of trade facts.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]