Problems and improvement plan in ecological pathways created by Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) were found based on 504 expost environmental impact survey reports submitted to the National Institute of Ecology in 2016. A total of five improvement plans have been proposed. First, the concept and composition principle of ecological pathways should be unified. Second, Guidelines for consultation on the EIA should be provided for each stage to be applied on-site. Third, if ecological pathway is constructed differently than the consultation, the punishment clauses should be applied to prevent formal composition of ecological pathways. Fourth, We need to prepare measures to strengthen basic research for the installation of ecological pathways. Fifth, We need to strengthen the expost in spection function to compensate for the poorly created of ecological pathways. It is believed that the problems of ecological pathways created by consultation on environmental impact assessment could be corrected in the future. And it is deemed possible to systematically manage ecological pathways.