주왕산국립공원의 삼림식생에 대한 식물사회학적 연구가 이루어졌다. 식물사회의 종조성과 서식처의 균질성을 강조하는 Z.-M. 학파의 방법으로 수행하였다. 52개 식생자료가 획득되었고, 출현식물 총 265분류군의 행동양식은 9계급의 변환통합우점도와 상대기여도를 통해 분석하였다. 식생자료의 모둠화 과정을 통해 단위식생을 분류하고, 그 분포와 현존균질도 등이 분석되었다. 4가지 상관우점식생 속에 9개 식물군락이 기재되었다: 신갈나무-애기감둥사초군락, 신갈나무-뱀고사리군락, 졸참나무-둥근잎천남성군락, 굴참나무-털조록싸리군락, 떡갈나무-털피나무군락, 서어나무-털대사초군락, 느티나무-등칡군락, 들메나무-개면마군락, 소나무-가는잎그늘사초군락. 삼림식생의 대상분포가 논의되었고, 표고 약 700 m가 냉온대 중부·산지대(신갈나무-생강나무아군단역)와 남부·저산지대(졸참나무-작살나무아군단역)의 전이대인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 주왕산국립공원의 삼림식생은 종조성의 낮은 균질성이 특징이었다. 결론적으로 주왕산국립공원의 삼림식생은 <지역생물기후구-대구형> 속에서 더욱 강한 대륙성 생물기후환경과 세립질 풍화토와 암편을 공급하는 유문암질 응회암 우세의 지질 환경에 대응하는 고유성이 큰 지역식생이고, 산불 영향이 더해진 근자연림 또는 이차림인 것으로 밝혀졌다.
The forest vegetation of Juwangsan National Park, which is famous for its towering scenic valleys, was syntaxonomically described. The study adopted the Zurich-Montpellier School’s method emphasizing a matching between species composition and habitat conditions. A combined cover degree and the r-NCD (relative net contribution degree) were used to determine a performance of 265 plant species listed-up in a total of 52 phytosociological releves. Nine plant communities were classified through a series of table manipulations, and their distribution and actual homotoneity(Hact) were analyzed. Syntaxa described were Carex gifuensis-Quercus mongolica community, Athyrium yokoscense-Quercus mongolica communiy, Arisaema amurense-Quercus serrata community, Lespedeza maximowiczii var. tomentella-Quercus variabilis community, Tilia rufa-Quercus dentata community, Carex ciliatomarginata-Carpinus laxiflora community, Aristolochia manshuriensis-Zelkova serrata community, Onoclea orientalis-Fraxinus mandshurica community, and Carex humilis var. nana-Pinus densiflora community. A zonal distribution was reviewed and the altitude of about 700 m was the transition zone between the cool-temperate central·montane zone (Lindero-Quercenion mongolicae region) and southern·submontane zone (Callicarpo-Quercenion serratae region). Only 19 taxa were associated with r-NCD 10% or more, most of which were tree species occurring in the Lindero-Quercenion and some of which was a member of open forests. Species composition of forest vegetation was much less homogeneous, showing the lowest Hact· Nearly natural forests and/or secondary forests in the Juwangsan National Park were defined as a regional vegetation type, which reflects much stronger continental climate in the Daegu regional bioclimatic subdistrict, rhyolitic tuff predominant, and wildfire interference.