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한국문학(韓國文學)과 형이상시(形而上詩)의 전통(傳統)
Korean Literature and Tradition of Metaphysical Poetry
김용직 ( Kim Yong-jik )
어문연구 vol. 34 iss. 4 255-277(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003720932

現代詩論에서 形而上詩는 觀念詩를 지양, 극복한 것을 가리킨다. 西歐의 경우, 17세기 영국의 形而上派 詩人들로 대표되는 形而上詩에서는 사상·관념의 내용에 남녀간의 애정이 흔하게 나온다. 그러나 韓國의 形而上詩에서 그것은 철저하게 第一原理에 관계되는 것을 뜻한다. 가령, 韓國 古典文學期의 形而上詩는 漢詩를 쓰던 性理學者 李退溪, 李栗谷 등의 文人들에 의해 매우 빈번하게 발표되었다. 李退溪의 時調·漢詩에는 儒學의 敎養을 바탕으로 한 道學的 世界가 노래된 것이 매우 많다. 그리고 現代文學期의 形而上詩를 대표하는 것이 萬海의 作品이다. 그의 시집 『님의 沈默』에 수록된 대부분의 作品은 불교의 근본 원리를 다룬 것이다. 그 가운데 하나인 「알 수 없어요」는 불교의 세계관 가운데 핵심이 되는 緣起說에 그 생각의 바탕을 두었다. 韓龍雲은 그런 사상, 관념을 객관적 상관물을 통하여 ‘장미의 향기’처럼 느끼게 만들었다.

Korean literature has developed and formed its peculiarity as a part of East-Asian literature for a long period of time. Metaphysical poetry in Korean literature differs from the one in Western literature. Metaphysical poetry of Western literature which is represented by 17th century's poets has focused mainly on the love between man and woman. However, it is exclusively related to the first principle in Korean metaphysical poetry. That is, metaphysics in this context was strictly under the principle of ontology. Metaphysical poetry during the classical period of Korean literature was written by poets who was writing Chinese poetry. They are represented by the rationalists such as Yi, Toy-gye(李退溪) and Yi, Yool-gok(李栗谷). Many of Toy-gye's poem and Chinese poetry dealt with moral philosophy based upon the culture of Confucianism tradition. Metaphysical poetry during the modern period of Korean literature is represented by Man-hae, Han, Yong-woon(韓龍雲). He was a presti- gious and famous Buddhist monk. Most of works included in The Silence of My Lovers dealt with the meditation knowledge he acquired during his Buddhism training period. One of them, Not Knowing was based on the one of the Buddhism's main world views. Han, Yong-woon made his thought and philosophy like a “Odor of Rose” as referred by T. S. Eliot through The Metaphysical poets, Yong-woon expressed his deep thought and philosophy successfully in his own particular way. His poems are the most valuable treasure in Modern Poetry history of Korea.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]