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유아영재를 위한 교수-학습 자료 개발 방향 및 방법 모색
Directions and Method of Teaching-Learning Material Development for the Gifted Young Children
장영숙 ( Jang Young-sook )
교육문화연구 vol. 11 513-528(16pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-003935113

Teaching-learning materials for the gifted young children should fundamentally differ from other general materials. Constructing the teaching-learning materials for the gifted education should be based on the principle of differentiation, paying close attention to the individual characteristics of the gifted young children. The materials should be developed in order to maximize the ability of the fast-learners who command high level of thinking and creativity. Development of the teaching-learning materials should focus on raising creative problem solving and self-directed investigation ability. In order to achieve this objects, the followings must be considered. First, we should select the theme which the gifted young children show interests for investigation. Second, the open and various investigation activities should be carried out. Third, the materials should be constructed for young gifted children to select the activities according to their interest and ability. Fourth, the programs should be planned to harmonize the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Fifth, each area of the early childhood curriculum should be integrated.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]