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한 아나운서의 방송(放送) 장르별 발화(發話) 양상(樣相)에 관한 고찰(考察)
An Analysis of Differences in the Locative Pattern of an Announcer by Program
오현진 ( Oh Hyeon-jin )
어문연구 36권 4호 545-568(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003719442

본 硏究는 한 아나운서가 자신이 進行하는 프로그램의 特性에 따라 어떤 話用論的 戰略을 驅使하는지 살펴보고자 하는 데 目的이 있다. 이를 위해 특정 時期에 뉴스, 예능, 시사교양 등 여러 프로그램에 出演하였던 M放送社 S아나운서의 發話 樣相을 살펴보았다. S아나운서의 發話는 각 프로그램의 特性에 따라 言語的, 非言語的 要素가 달랐으나, 프로그램의 目的에 따라 비슷한 樣相을 보이기도 하였다. 즉 뉴스와 시사교양 프로그램은 言語的 要素에서 유사하였는데, 視聽者를 聽者로 상정하고 直接 말을 거는 듯한 表現들을 使用하였다. 그리고 시사교양과 예능 프로그램은 非言語的 要素에서 비슷한 側面을 보였다. 아나운서가 어떤 言語를 驅使하는지, 使用한 말이 狀況 脈絡에 適切한지 등은 進行하는 프로그램에 대한 視聽者들의 評價뿐만 아니라 言語 生活에 影響을 줄 수 있으므로 言語 使用에 있어 公共性이나 責任意識을 가져할 것이다.

This study aims to look at how an announcer commands which pragmatic strategies according to the characteristics of a program the announcer is leading. With this aim, the study reviewed the locative pattern of announcer S of the M broadcasting station, who appeared in various programs including news, entertainment, current issues and cultural programs during a specific period. The elocution of announcer S was different in verbal and non-verbal factors according to the characteristics of each program; however, the announcer also demonstrated similar patterns according to the purpose of the programs. Namely, the announcer used similar lingual factors in news and current issues cultural programs for the purpose of offering information and employed expressions in directly talking to viewers assuming that the viewers would be the audiences. Programs such as current issues and cultural programs and entertainment programs, all of which have a similar entertainment goal, showed a similar aspect in light of non-verbal factors. It may be an example in that the announcer wore more brilliant clothes for those programs than for a news program. Since an announcer portrays a role of delivering advanced information and diverse news such as general news, sports, current issues and culture, and entertainment to viewers, the announcer is even more responsible for the use of language. Likewise, the speech an announcer commands and the appropriateness of the commandment of speech for a situational context may affect the viewers’ speech habits as well as their assessments of a program the announcer leads. Therefore, it is important for an announcer to select and command the appropriate types of languages and to have the sense of publicity or responsibility in using languages. Also, an announcer is supposed to have a continuous interest in the use of the national language and a consistent, related education.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]