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조선후기(朝鮮後期) 향촌(鄕村) 문인(文人) 목태림(睦台林)의 제화시(題畵詩) 연구(硏究) - 새 자료 『부경집(浮磬集)』 소개를 겸하여 -
A Study on the Painting Poems(題畵詩) of Mok Tae-rim(睦台林), a Village Poet of the Late Joseon Dynasty - With the Introduction of a Newly-Discovered Book, Bugyoengjib(浮磬集) -
정선희 ( Jeung Sun-hee )
어문연구 36권 2호 371-396(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003718990

본고는 19세기 초에 한문 소설 「鍾玉傳」과 「春香新說」을 지은 睦台林의 題畵詩를 연구한 논문이다. 이들은 새로 발견된 文集 (浮磬集(에 수록되어 있으며 이 책은 기존의 연구 대상이던 『雲窩集』 보다 後代에 筆寫된 것으로 推定되었다. 목태림은 隱者나 賢者에 관한 故事人物圖를 대상으로 「八仙老畵題」, 「八哲人畵題」를, 長生圖·四方神圖·靈獸圖 등을 합한 듯한 그림을 대상으로 「八長生畵題」를 지었다. 詩的 形象化 方法上의 特徵은 그림의 대상이 되는 인물이나 동물에 관한 故事와 특성들을 서술하면서 자신의 처지와 人生觀을 披瀝했다는 점이다. 또한 故事가 있는 인물 그림들을 소재로 택한 점은 그가 소설 작가이며 敍事文學 偏向的이었던 점과 맞닿아 있었다. 歷代 文人들이나 京華의 士族들과는 달리 鄕村에서 日常的으로 접할 수 있던 그림들을 택한 점은 그가 鄕村의 中間層 文人으로 鄕村 文化를 적극 향유했던 상황을 반영하는 것이다.

The present study examines the painting poems of Mok Tae- rim(1782~1841), who wrote the novels in classical Chinese titled Jongokjeon(鍾玉傳) and Chunhyang sinseol(春香新說) in the early 19th century. His painting poems are contained in his newly-found collection of writings Bugyeongjib, of which the major characteristics are reviewed in the first part of this paper. Compared with Unwajib(雲窩集), another transcribed edition of his works which was found earlier, Bugyeongjib is presumed to have been a later edition. Mok Tae-rim described in his poems folk paintings, which were easily found in people’s daily lives. Specifically, he poeticized the stories about hermits or sages depicted in folklore paintings in his poems 「On the Paintings of the Eight Hermits(八仙老畵題)」 and 「On the Paintings of the Eight Sages(八哲人畵題)」. And he described the paintings depicting the Longevity Symbols, Deities of the Four Directions and Mysterious Beasts in his poem 「On the Paintings of the Eight Longevity Symbols(八長生畵題)」. Mok Tae-rim has a characteristic way of poeticizing paintings: he added the accounts of his personal conditions and his own thoughts to the descriptions of the persons and animals depicted in the paintings. His choice of the paintings of figures related with folklore is consistent with the fact that he was a novelist who inclined to narrative literature. In addition, his preference for folk paintings as subjects of his poems reflects his social position as a middle-class writer in a provincial village steeped in local culture.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]