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KCI 등재
세 가지 가설(假說)과 몇 가지 의문(疑問)
Three Hypothesis and Some Questions
임기중 ( Lim Key-zung )
어문연구 35권 4호 161-183(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003718501

本稿는 세 가지의 假說과 그 가설을 둘러싼 몇 가지의 疑問點을 擧論한 것이다. 첫 번째의 가설은 廣開土王陵碑가 再發見될 당시에 採拓한 原石拓本이 현재 中國에 전하고 있어야 한다는 것이다. 두 번째의 가설은 최소한 500여 종 이상의 燕行錄이 전하고 있어야 한다는 것이다. 세 번째의 가설은 歌辭作品이 古時調作品보다 훨씬 더 많은 양이 전하고 있어야 한다는 것이다. 筆者는 1995년에 1890년대 이전의 원석탁본 4종을 찾아서 『廣開土王碑原石初期拓本集成』에 수록함으로써 첫 번째의 가설을 증명하였다. 2001년부터 2007년까지 燕行錄 566종을 모아서 『燕行錄全集』과 『燕行錄續集』에 수록함으로써 두 번째의 가설을 증명하였다. 2004년에 『韓國歌辭文學註解硏究』에 2,086편의 歌辭作品을 수록하고 『韓國歌辭文學原典硏究』에 歌辭作品 6,678편의 目錄을 제시함으로써 세 번째의 가설을 증명하였다.

This keynote speech is to present three hypothesis and some issues caused by them. The first hypothesis is that the original rubbed copy of King Gwangaeto's Monument, which was taken when the Monument was rediscovered, should be kept somewhere in China. The goal of this hypothesis is to present the rubbed copy which was possibly produced even before the 1890s. The second hypothesis assumes that at least 500 Yeonhangnoks (travel sketches) exist. This second hypothesis is to find out how many of Yeonhangnoks is being handed down. Our goal is to collect and arrange over 500 Yeonhangnoks and present them to the academia. The final hypothesis assumes in the case of Gasa(an old form of Korean verse), the scale of transmission should be much bigger than Gosijo(an old Korean verse). We need to collect and arrange at least 4,500 Gasas as the aim is to identify how many Gasas and Gosijos are handed down and present them to the academic world. In 1995, we proved the first hypothesis by including four rubbed copies on rough stone, which was found before the 1890s, in the early rubbed copy of rough stone of King Gwangaeto's Monument. From 2001 to 2007 the second hypothesis was proved by including 566 Yeonhangnoks which were collected during 2001~2007 in a collection of Yeonhangnok and a sequel to Yeonhangnok. The final hypothesis was proved in 2004 when 2,086 Gasas were recorded in an annotation study of Korean Gasa Literary and an index of 6,678 Gasas in a study of the original book of Korean Gasa Literary. During the process, some issues were raised, so the keynote speech aims at tackling with them.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]