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일제강점기(日帝强占期) 학생(學生) 독서활동(讀書活動) 연구 -신문(新聞) 독서(讀書) 관계 기사(記事)를 중심으로-
A Study on Student Reading Activity in Japanese's Colonial Period -Laying Stress on Newspaper Articles Related with Reading-
윤금선 ( Yeun Keum-sun )
어문연구 vol. 35 iss. 1 389-413(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003718041

본고에서는 1920~1930년대 <朝鮮日報>와 <東亞日報> 兩誌에 게재된 讀書 관련 기사들을 통해 당대 學生讀書 活動에 대해서 고찰하였다. 연구 내용은 첫째, 1920~1930년대의 學生讀書 傾向에 대해서 살펴 보았다. 도서관 열람자 비율에서 학생들이 최다를 차지하고 있으며, 1920년대 초기에는 文學 語學 분야가 首位를 차지했고, 중기에는 社會 분야 서적이 인기가 높았으며, 1930년대로 가면 다시 文藝物로 되돌아가는 경향을 보였다. 둘째, 학생들을 위한 讀書指導, 讀書方法에 관한 기사들을 분석하였다. 良書 선택법, 연령에 적합한 도서 선택법, 읽기 방법, 衛生讀書 등의 讀書方法에 대한 구체적인 논의가 언급되었다. 셋째, 讀書 紙面을 살펴 보았는데, 다양한 측면에서 학생들의 읽기를 유도하고 있었다. 이와 같이 당대 두 언론사가 사회적인 차원에서 讀書文化를 주도하는 역할을 행함으로써 語文生活에 교육적인 영향력을 발휘하였다.

This treatise is research about student reading of the 1930s from the 1920s. Text of this research is articles of < Choson-Ilbo >(<朝鮮日報>) and < Donga-Ilbo >(<東亞日報>) connected with reading. Purpose of this research is investigating student readers' interest of the age. Wish to elicit meaning of reading education in side that is language education ultimately. First, we studied about student readers' tendency from the 1920s to the 1930s. Students are occupying greatest number in library reader ration. This result is rightful. Because, Knowledge class is a most student. Also, is same as following if observe reading field by time. In the 1920s, literature and language study field got to read most on early, and showed tendency that book of society field was popular in the middle of 1920s. And, popularity of literature rises again from uper again, from late 1920s to the 1930s. Second, articls of reading education for students and reading method was reported steadily. Specific discussion about method of selection, method to read, reading method is discussed. Third, reading related articls drove students' reading in various aspect. Then, in various aspect, led reading culture on social dimension, and afforded influence in korean language education through this.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]