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홍명희(洪命熹)의 『임거정(林巨正)』 연구(硏究)
A Study on Lim Kug Jung by Hong, Myung-hee
이종호 ( Lee Jong-ho )
어문연구 vol. 35 iss. 1 265-292(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003717993

이 논문은 『林巨正』의 서술방식에서 드러나는 敍述態度가 작가의 관념적 태도와 어떠한 相關性을 띠고 있는지를 중점적으로 규명하고자 한다. 『林巨正』에서는 이익만을 좇아 派黨 짓거나 서로 배신하는 奸細輩들을 비판하고, 大義名分을 좇거나 개혁적인 인물들, 하층민들을 옹호하고 긍정하는 가치 지향적 서술태도를 보이고 있다. 그리고 다양한 언어층위와 擴大ㆍ壓縮의 공간성을 조응시켜 조선 당대 상ㆍ하층의 역동적인 삶의 모습과 세태 그리고 풍속 등을 총체적으로 그려내고 있다. 결국 『林巨正』의 작가-서술자는 價値 指向的인 서술태도와 계층과 시공간성에 따른 다양한 언어 층위의 구사, 그리고 조선 풍속과 세태의 재현을 통해 ‘朝鮮情調’를 회복하고 ‘저항’정신을 고취하여 이를 민족해방운동으로서의 對抗的 談論의 核心 槪念으로 삼고자 했던 것이다.

The purposes of this study are to analyze the attitude of Narrative shown in the Narrative of Lim Kug Jung and to examine the relationship of the Narrative mode of the ideological attitude of the author. Firstly, the author-Narrator has a value-oriented Narrative attitude in Lim Kug Jung. He harshly criticizes factionalists who pursue benefitsor treacherous villains while narrative positively those who pursue a good cause or reformists. Lim, Kug-jung, who has qualities of both good and evil, is described as a brave and human character who greatly values a good cause. Lim Kug Jung also has a variety of lingual layers that depend on social status and regions and which form a system of discourse. The literary achievement of Lim Kug Jung is the description of dynamic lives of the upper and lower classes in the Chosun dynasty on the whole by combining the expansion of lingual layers with close regions. Lim Kug Jung represents the customs and social conditions of Chosun in the Narrative mode of delineation, explanation, or dialogues. The representation of the customs and social conditions of Chosun ultimately promotes a spirit of ‘resistance’ and is the lingual shaping of the ideological attitude of the author-narrator who wanted to establish the subjecthood of the Korean public by restoring the ‘sentiment of Chosun’. Ultimately, Lim Kug Jung successfully revives the sentiment of Chosun by having a value-oriented narrative attitude, using a variety of lingual layers depending on social status and regions, and by re- presenting the customs and social conditions of Chosun. The author- narrator intended to use the restoration of the ‘sentiment of Chosun’ as the driving force of the liberation movement. This is also the general ideology of this novel.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]