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북한문학(北韓文學)에 끼친 소련문학(蘇聯文學)의 영향 -소련과 고려인(高麗人) 문학(文學)을 중심으로-
The Influences of Old Soviet Union on North Korean Literature
이명재 ( Rhee Myung-jae )
어문연구 vol. 30 iss. 4 159-186(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003717564

이 논문에서는 韓半島 分斷 이래 舊蘇聯의 결정적인 영향 밑에서 형성되어온 북한문학의 특성들을 實證的으로 究明하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 戰後 북한에 진주한 소련은 中失亞 등지의 高麗人 文學音인 超基天, 鄭律 등을 앞세워서 북한문단을 용이하게 親蘇的으로 유도하여 통제해 왔다는 점이다. 둘째, 북한 건립 초기부터 소련당국은 고려인인 許가이를 노동당의 제 2인자로 내세워 북한의 문단을 레닌의 이념에 따라 당과 人民에 복무하는 투박한 政論性의 선동 문학화시킨 점이다. 셋째, 북한의 領歌文學과 일련의 수령형상 작업은 소련의 레닌-스탈린 숭배문학의 모방으로써 김일성-김정일로 等式化되었다는 점이다. 이 같은 북한문학의 소련문학적인 속성들은 1956년의 反宗派 운동과 1967년의 주체사상 확립 이후에도 북한문학에 강한 뿌리를 내리고 있다. 결국 진정한 통일문학사 정립은 북한문학의 기본적 요소들을 파악, 극복하는 것과 관련된다.

The aim of this paper is to examine characteristics of North Korean literature strongly influenced by the Old Soviet Union from the time of the division of the Korean peninsula in 1945. Unfortunately this kind of research has not been done. However, it is important for us to understand traits of North Korean literature that has been separated for over fifty years from those of South Korean literature in order that we might establish a unified history of Korean literature. Major points of this paper are as follows; First, the old Soviet Union succeeded in leading some Russian Korean literary men such as Cho Kichon and Chung Ull in Central Asia to North Korea and making North Korean literary establishments pro-Soviet Union. Naturally the Sovietization of North Korean literature was supported by old Soviet Union that often issued literary policy of the Soviet Union in North Korean newspapers and magazine. Second, from the very beginning of the North Korean regime, the Soviet Union used Korean Russian Huh Gaie who became the second man of North Korean Labor Party, Mr, Huh trained North Korean literary world into propagandist literature for the party and the people. As a result, North Korean literature turned politically polemic and insurrectionary rather than formalist. Third, the North Korean project of praising and mystifying Great Leaders Kim Il-Sung was similar to that of Soviet Union’s Lenin. The April 15 Arts Group of North Korea was influenced by Soviet Union’s “Indestructible History Series” such as “Great Leaders” and “Sun of the People”. Russian influences on North Korean literature have been strongly rooted from the Anti-Reactionary Movement in 1956 and Juche Ideology Movement in 1967 to the present. Accordingly we must understand and recognize the basic characteristics of North Korean literature in order to establish the truly unified history of Korean literature in the Korean peninsula.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]