處所交叉構文의 두 문장에 대한 部分的 解釋과 全體的 解釋의 차이는 狀況類型의 차이와 관계가 없다. 타동사적 처소교차구문과 이에 대응하는 자동사적 처소교차구문의 두 문장은 모두 完成狀況類型에 속하고, 대응하는 타동사를 가지지 않는 자동사적 처소교차구문은 瞬間狀況類型에 속한다. ‘전체적 점유’를 나타내는 자동사적 처소교차구문은 成就狀況類型에 속한다.
處所交叉構文의 부분/전체 해석은 두 문장이 취하는 論項의 相 役割에 따라서 달라진다. ‘-에, -를’ 구조에서 ‘-를’ 標識 論項은 相 役割에 연결되지 못하고 이동의 대상으로서만 기능하고, ‘-에’ 논항이 ‘[한계점]’에 연결되어 암시적 경로와 더불어 상황에 限界性을 부여하고, 상황을 재어나눈다. 반면에, ‘-를, -로’ 구조에서 ‘-를’ 표지 논항은 좀더 적극적인 기능을 수행하는데, ‘[잣대]’에 대응해서 상황에 끝점을 제공하고, 사건을 한정적이게 만들고, 상황을 재어나눈다.
In this paper, we deal with the issue of “why should we differentiate between partial and entire reading in location alternation construction?” Some studies have argued that partial/entire reading is caused by a difference of situation type, but in this study we assert that the difference of situation is not concerned with partial/entire read- ing. The transitive location alternation construction and corresponding intransitive location construction belong to the accomplishment situation type. The intransitive location alternation construction that has no corresponding transitive location alternation construction belongs to the semelfactive situation type. The intransitive location alternation construc- tion has entire reading and belongs to the achievement situation type.
The difference of partial/entire reading depends on the aspectual roles that each argument take. In the ‘-e, -lul’, marker ‘-lul’ (to indicate argument has that marker) can not be linked to aspectual roles, it is merely the function of a moving thing. But the marker ‘-e’ can be linked to [TERMINUS], and then terminus to implicit path, and as a result they provide boundedness to situation, and measure out a situation. While on the other hand, in the ‘-lul, -lo’, marker ‘-lul’ can be linked to [MEASURE], make a situation bounded, and measure out a situation. The difference of partial/entire reading is originated from the difference of aspectual roles.