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‘초등학교(初等學校) 한자(漢字) 교육과정(敎育課程)’ 개발 연구(Ⅰ)
A Study on the Development of a Curriculum of Chinese Character Education in Primary Schools (Ⅰ)
강병윤 ( Kang Byong Ryun ) , 송영일 ( Song Young Il ) , 허왕욱 ( Heo Wang Wook )
어문연구 vol. 30 iss. 2 281-304(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003717302

이 연구는 초등학교 漢字敎育의 體系化와 內實化를 담보할 수 있는 초등학교 漢字 敎育課程을 마련하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이 연구를 위해 기존에 개발된 초등학교 한자 교육과정을 비판적으로 검토하였으며, 設問紙法을 사용하여 현장 교사로부터 漢字敎育의 實態와 要求를 수렴하였다. 이를 바탕으로 실현 가능한 한자교육의 性格과 目標를 정하고 한자교육의 內容體系를 새롭게 구성하였으며, 한자를 가르치고 평가하는 구체적인 方法과 指針을 제시하였다. 이 교육과정의 개발은 학습자의 言語使用 能力과 創意的 思考力, 自己 主導的 學習 能力의 신장은 물론, 학습자의 人性敎育이나 文化的 正體性을 확립하는 교육에도 이바지할 수 있을 것이다. 아울러 한자 지도를 위한 敎材 開發과 효과적인 敎授學習 方法을 구안하는 생산적인 논의를 촉발할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

This study aims to design a curriculum of Han-ja(漢字:Chinese character) education suited for the 7th curriculum. Through an inquiring process, it was certain that a new curriculum of Han-ja education must be cultivated as soon as possible. The gist of the new curriculum of Han-ja education is as follows. The Han-ja education must be intended to increase the language proficiency and thinking faculty. The Han-ja education has to guide students to acquire a sense of value and attitude to lead the national language culture. On developing a curriculum for each grade, three principles must be considered. : 1) Students' level, interest, and developing character 2) Literal character of Han-ja. 3) Students' daily lives and their linguistic abilities. The definite methods of the Han-ja education presented through three items; 'a plan of teaching', 'a method of teaching', 'materials of teaching'. These items will be a substantial help to teachers and students. An evaluation in Han-ja classes must not only be a goal-oriented assessment but also a proficiency tests. We have to fairly assess knowledge, skill, and attitude of students. The new curriculum of Han-ja education will contribute in establishment of the Han-ja education for primary schools. And the new curriculum of Han-ja education will assist to enhance students' thinking abilities. Moreover the development of the new curriculum will bring forth a productive discussion that will promote useful teaching materials and learning methods for Han-ja education.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]