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유재건(劉在建)의 『고금영물근체시(古今詠物近體詩)』 편성(編成) 방식(方式)과 그 특성(特性)
Formation method and characteristics of 『Gogeumyeongmulgeunchesi』 by Yu Jae-Keun
한영규 ( Han Young-gyu )
어문연구 42권 3호 259-282(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003715444

이 論文은 劉在建(1793∼1880)이 1861년 완성한 『古今詠物近體詩』를 집중 분석하여, 그 編成 方式과 特性을 밝히고자 하였다. 그동안 『古今詠物近體詩』는 中國과 新羅ㆍ高麗ㆍ朝鮮의 역대 영물시를 非體系的으로 모아 놓았다고 이해되어 왔으나, 최근 康熙 年間의 官撰書 『佩文齋詠物詩選』의 體裁를 借用한 것으로 해명되었다. 유재건은 『패문재영물시선』을 援用하되 세 가치 次元에서 의미있는 變容을 시도하였다. 첫째, 『고금영물근체시』는 『패문재영물시선』의 시 분류방식은 그대로 차용했으나, 자신의 기준에 따라 세부 편목을 조정하여 새로운 차원으로 再編하였다. 둘째, 『패문재영물시선』에 실린 중국 역대의 영물시를 자신의 판단에 따라 자유롭게 加減하고, 해당 항목에 신라ㆍ고려ㆍ조선의 시를 새로 뽑아 대거 補强해 놓았다. 셋째, 『패문재영물시선』의 시를 取捨選擇하여 再構成하면서도, 본래 『패문재영물시선』에 실렸던 고려ㆍ조선의 시는 예외없이 『고금근체영물시』에 再收錄하였다. 유재건은 ‘古’와 ‘今’, ‘華’와 ‘東’에 속한 여러 영물시를 모아 균형을 맞춰가며 편집하려는 의도를 지녔다.

This study intended to analyze『Gogeumyeongmulgeunchesi』, written by a literary person of the 19th century, Yu Jae-Keun(1793~1880), in 1861 to identify its compilation method and characteristics. 『Gogeumyeongmulgeunchesi』 was considered as an unsystematic collection of the best poems of things in history of China and Goryeo · Joseon all the while. However, it was recently clarified that it borrowed a system of 『Peiwenzhaiyongwushixuan』 of Qing Dynasty. This study identified that Yu Jae-Keun quoted 『Peiwenzhaiyongwushixuan』 but attempted a significant transformation in three aspects. First,『Gogumyeongmulgeunchesi』 borrowed the classification method of poems of 『Peiwenzhaiyongwushixuan』 but was reorganized into a whole new level by revising the specifications. Secondly, the researcher adjusted greatest poems of things of China published in 『Peiwenzhaiyongwushixuan』 according to the researcher's judgement, and strengthened poems of Shilla, Goryeo, and Joseon Dynasty. As a result, there were more poems that were newly selected and arranged from 『Go- geumyeongmulgeunchesi』 than poems handed down from『Peiwenzhaiyo-ngwushixuan』. Thirdly, he selected poems from 『Peiwenzhaiyongwushixuan』 and reorganized his own anthodology, but included poems from Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty that were published in『Peiwenzhaiyongwushixuan』without exception in 『Gogumyeongmulgeunchesi』. Yu Jae-Keun borrowed the framework and contents of 『Peiwenzhai-yongwushixuan』 but intended to compile a new collection of poems of things by the reality of Joseon in 19th century. However, sufficient number of poems of Joseon from 18~19th century were selected as a result and many poems of Dang · Song · Myung were also selected. However, poems from the early days of the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty and poems from Qing Period were relatively organized poorly.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]