최근 한국 연극계의 퍼포먼스 傾向에 따라 戱曲 分析도 演劇 속에서 內在的·外在的 意思疏通構造를 포괄적으로 분석하고, 의미를 다각화하는 수행성 및 물질성에 대한 논의가 필요하다. 즉 희곡은 觀客에게 경험의 空間으로 무대화되는 과정에 기반을 두는 물질성의 복합체로서, 人工物이 아닌 身體와 다매체적 소통구조를 동시에 논의할 때, 무대 안팎의 境界를 허무는 機能을 분석할 수 있다. 日常劇에서 물질성의 效果는 평범한 삶의 모습을 허구의 무대로 활용하며 허구와 실제를 넘나들게 만든다. 김명화의 「첼로와 케찹」속 ‘집’은 시간과 空間의 경계를 조성하며 특정한 분위기를 具現하는 일상생활 속 행위와 소리들을 잘 보여준다. 물질성으로 극적 흐름 및 樣相이 가시화되고, 관객의 자동생성 피드백 고리가 발동된다. 무대 안과 밖의 경계를 허무는 물질성은 劇的空間에 역동적 에너지를 불어넣고 관객의 感情을 調律하는 기능을 수행한다.
In recent Korean theatrical world, performance is attracting atten- tion as one of the important trends. one of major trends appeared in Korean plays of 2000s is rising of an everyday drama. Consequently, Korean drama studies has changed with the tendency of Performance. performance has proved so useful and stimulating as a concept that today scholars around the world are exploring its possibilities for better un- derstanding of social and cultural processes.
The plays on the premise of the show were written with encouraging audience participation. So we examine the factors that directly affect the audience in theater. Theatrical performances is the process of commu- nicating with the audience. therefore It is very important to find and analyze the factors that provide meaning to the audience in the theater. The audience to grasp the meaning of the sex of a myriad of materials. As the analysis of medianity, materiality, and semioticity revealed, each has their share in constituting. Materiality destructive influence each other, and interact with the audience and the stage makes. Materiality away from A Study on Methods of Documentary Research on drama, a new drama study made it possible.
In this paper, we examine everyday drama Kim Myung Hwa's 「Cello and Ketchup」 as corresponding case. kim Myung Hwa’s play produced a new direction, and many of what she wrote was every drama. Her work provides daily fiction to audience. As they appear in the plays. everyday life and lifestyle to discover the meaning of her work. the socio-cultural implications of an everyday drama is to induce the spectators to introspect on usual life by newly suggesting peripheral figures and multifaceted mean- ings of usual life being underestimated in a drama stage in the mean- while.