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KCI 등재
국어(國語)의 동자동의이음(同字同義異音) 한자어(漢字語) 연구(硏究)
The study of Sino-Korean homonyms with the same spelling
김양진 ( Kim Ryang-jin )
어문연구 41권 1호 33-60(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003714543

本考는 우리말 同字同義異音 漢字語에 대해서 종합적으로 검토한 것이다. 本考에서는 1차적으로 우리말 同字同義異音 漢字語를 (1)시대적 차이를 두고 다르게 정착한 것(茶, 暴, 車 등), (2)漢字音이 標準化하지 못한 것(醵, 廓 등), (3)한국식 한자음에 의해 생긴 것(奈, 率 등), (4)漢字語의 通用字에 따른 것(反~飜, 扁~?) 등으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 이어서 本考에서는 우리말의 同字同義異音 漢字語 처리상의 문제를 (1)標準語 문제, (2)借字表記字 標準 讀法 문제, (3)電算 檢索 상의 문제 등으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 이 과정에서 ‘찻방, 찻잔, 찻장, 찻종, 찻주전자’나 ‘촛농, 촛대, 빙엇과, 박각싯과, 사글셋방, 터줏대감’의 처리, ‘茶色[dasaek~chasaek]’, ‘狂暴[kwangpho~kwangphok]’, ‘急停車[geupjengkeo~geupjengcha]’ 등의 표준음 처리, ‘柰率[나솔~내솔~나수~내수]’의 처리, □글, 엑셀 및 네이버(Naver), 다음(Daum) 등에서 처리 방안 등이 검토되었다.

This paper aims to investigate Sino-Korean homonyms with the same spelling. These are classified into four types: the first type that becomes established in different times, e.g. 茶, 暴, 車 etc; the second one whose Chinese sound has not been standardized as Korean, e.g. 醵, 廓 etc; the third one that occurs because of Korean-Chinese pronunciation, e.g. 奈, 率 etc; and the last one that comes from common use of Chinese words, e.g. 反~飜, 扁~? etc. These homonyms are investigated in terms of (i)Korean standard language, (ii)standard Korean pronunciation of borrowed Chinese character and (iii)the computational findings of Sino-Korean homonyms with the same spelling. This investigation includes the specific discussions of some Sino-Korean synonyms with the same spelling, such as Cha-t- bang(찻방), cha-t-jan(찻잔), cha-t-jang(찻장), cha-t-jong(찻종) and cha-t-jujeonja (찻주전자); cho-t-nong(촛농) and cho-t-dae(촛대); pingeo-t-gwa(빙엇과) and pakgaksi-t-gwa(박각싯과); sageulse-t-bang(사글셋방); and teoju-t-daegam(터주대감). It also discusses the issue of standard pronunciation which occurs between different options, such as ‘茶色[dasaek~chasaek]’, ‘狂暴[kwangpho~ kwangphok]’, ‘急停車[geupjengkeo~geupjengcha]’ and 柰率[nasol~naesol~ nasu~naesu]’. Additionally, it examines how major keyboard systems for Hanguel including ‘Hanguel(□글)’ and ‘Exell’ and search engines including Naver and Daum deal with the Sino-Korean homonyms with the same spelling.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]