「蓮花夢」은 1920년대 말 활자본으로 유통된 한글본 고소설이다. 이 작품은 癸酉靖難, 端宗復位 運動, 端宗 賜死 등 ‘단종’이 중심이 된 일련의 端宗事件을 제재로 한 것이다. 작품 서두에 소개된 ‘端宗莊陵故事’에는 단종사건으로 희생되거나 단종을 숭배한 남녀 인물이 등장하고, 이들은 작품의 남녀주인공으로 還生한다. 환생한 인물들은 다양한 사건을 겪으면서 많은 인물들을 만나는데, 敍事의 焦點은 바로 새로운 인물의 출현에 맞춰져 있다. 작품 후반부에서 등장인물들은 모두 東鶴寺에 집결한다. 그리고 이곳에서 金時習은 동학사에 모인 諸人들이 모두 端宗朝 忠臣烈士들의 後身이라고 말한다. 또한 김시습은 제인들의 前生事를 일일이 알려주고 詩로써 그들을 추모한다. 환생한 인물들은 대부분 단종사건 때 희생된 실존인물이고, 신분적으로는 대부분 下層에 속하는 인물이다. 작가는 「六臣傳」, 「元生夢遊錄」 등 문학사적 전통과 단종사건 관련 기록물을 활용하여, 단종사건 때 희생된 하층의 충신열사들을 褒?할 목적으로 작품을 창작했음을 알 수 있다.
“Yeonhwamong” is the printed book ancient novel was published in 1928. The first scene of work is appeared King Danjong Jangreung Gosa. This fact indicates the core of work. In other words, “Yeonhwamong” deal with King Danjong affairs. They are Gyeyu political upheaval, King Danjong restoration affair, death of King Danjong etc. On King Danjong Jangreung Gosa, two women and one man appear. Two women was sacrificed by King Danjong affairs. And one man did worship and cherish King Danjong. Afterward, they are rebirth Lee Man young, Kim Ham dam, Buyong.
The work deal with suffering of Man young by woman ghost, passing an examination and people life inspection of Man young, a forced marriage and slander of Kim Kyun father and son. This incidents induce an appearance of new character and unconventionality of character. On work latter, the characters assemble on temple Donghaksa. And in that place, Kim Si seup indicated that all people is assembled on Donghaksa is rebirth persons of faithful subjects and patriotic martyrs in King Danjong period. Also Kim Si seup indicate previous life of all people is assembled on Donghaksa, and recite a cherish poem for them. A rebirth persons are really lived people in King Danjong period. They was sacrificed by King Danjong affairs all. And they are persons belong to low position. “Yeonhwamong” is close by Wonsaengmongyurok and Guunmong on contents and form.
In summary, the writer created based on documentary literature relation to King Danjong affairs and tradition of literature history. And the writer created for reward and encourage faithful subjects and patriotic martyrs of low position in King Danjong.