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이한진(李漢鎭) 편(編) 『청구영언(靑丘永言)』의 특성 탐색
In Search of Distinctive Features in 'Chung Ku Young Un'(靑丘永言) Editted by Lee Han Jin
김태웅 ( Kim Tai-kyun )
어문연구 vol. 40 iss. 2 217-244(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003714063

본고는 19세기 초 歌集인 李漢鎭編 『靑丘永言』의 特性을 探索하여 19세기 초 歌集史의 단면을 眺望하고자 하였다. 李漢鎭은 당대 최고 명문가인 安東金氏 가문과 혈연·인척관계를 맺고 있었기 때문에 스승인 驕驕齊 金用謙을 통해 音律을 익히고 燕嚴 朴趾源 등과 交遊하였고 이들의 풍류 현장에서 李漢鎭은 퉁소 연주를 하였으며 이것을 통해 그의 음악적 역량을 확인하였다. 李漢鎭은 60세에 京畿道 永平에 은거하였는데 그가 생애 마지막으로 심혈을 기울인 작업은 바로 자신만의 歌集편찬이었다. 李漢鎭편 『靑丘永言』은 악곡분류가 되어 있지 않아, 그 규칙을 찾는 것이 힘들었으나 徵候發見的 讀解를 통해 이 가집이 羽調와 界面調가 번갈아 가면서 나타나고 있음을 추정하였고 다른 가집에 비해 노랫말 의 變改가 많은 이유를 變徵聲이라는 가장 슬픈 곡조를 활용할 수 있는 李漢鎭의 음악적 능력을 통해 추정하였다.

This paper searched the characteristics of 'Chung Ku Young Un'(靑丘永言), which is song collection, editted by Lee Han Jin in the early 19th. So, history of song collection in the early 19th is views. Because Lee Han-jin had formed the blood relationship and inlawship with the Kims of Andong which is the greatest decent family of the time, he learned melody from Hyohyojae Kim Yong-gyeom(金用謙) who is his teacher and played with Yeonamilpa(燕巖一派). He playing a bamboo flute and singing mingled had been revealed in the taste field for the arts. This confirmed his musical capabilities. When Lee Han-jin(李漢鎭) got to be 60 years old, he retired to hermitage in Yeongpyeong(永平). The work that Lee Han-jin finally devoted himself to was to edit his own Song collection(歌集). Lee Han-jin Collection Cheongguyeongeon(李漢鎭編 靑丘永言) charged it does not make the music classification, it was difficult to find rules in the intrinsic. this Song collection(歌集), however, is presumed to appear between Ujo(羽調) and Kemyonjo(界面調) alternately throughout symptomatic reading(徵候發見的 讀解). Also, The reason why many changed in the lyrics than other Song Collection(歌集)s is presumed through the musical abilities of Lee Han-jin(李漢鎭) that can take advantage of the saddest tune. It is thought that 'Lee Han-jin Collection Cheongguyeongeon' is not the song collection to arrange his personal musical life but the song collection to edit that sing a song(時調) in the art field. Also, Lee Han-jin Collection Cheongguyeongeon(李漢鎭編 靑丘永言) is a work bearing marks of labor and effort.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]