本橋는 日本 視察團員이었던 沈福鎭에 의해 創作된 長篇歌辭인 『東遊感興錄』內에 朝鮮人 '身世 打令'으로 範疇化할 수 있는 내용이 발견된다는 점에 주목하여 그 文學的 特徵과 意味를 考察해 보았다. 이 부분의 내용을 살펴보면 처지는 다르지만 동일한 '조선인'이기에 촉발된 人間的 憐憫의 情緖가 확인된다. 특히 일본으로 가는 船上에서 만난 이들의 사연이 14章에 이르러서는 前面化·具體化되고 있다. 유사한 打令 構造 內에 각기 다른 이들의 사연이 6회나 반복되고 있는 현상으로 인해 피식민지인들이 타국에서 경험한 설움과 悲劇的 情調가 강조되고 있는 것이다. 또한 일본이 近代化라는 美名下에 조선에 실시한 각종 法令과 制度들은 철저히 他者化되어 조선인들은 기본적 생존의 터전마저 상실한 채 流離乞食을 하게 된 정황도 확인되고 있다. 그러므로 『東遊感興錄』은 조선인 들의 個別的 사연과 당시의 歷史的 정황이 형상화된 신세 타령이 발견되는 1920 年代의 歌辭 作品으로 평가되어야 할 것이다.
Focusing on the part categorized as ballad of Chosun people's sorrow, this thesis exanrines the literary characteristics and significance of Dong Yu Gam Hung Lok (東遊感興錄) created by Shim Bok Jin, an inspectorate sent to Japan. Dong Yu Gam Hung Lok contains multifold perspectives caused by his internal disruption including Shim's concurrence on the campaign to integrate Chosun and Japan (內鮮一體) due to his profession as inspectorate, his defensive sense of identity and critical perception about the reality. Chapter 14 Dae pan (大阪), in particular, takes 19% of the entire song and almost 41% of the chapter consists of the ballad of Chosun people's sorrow. The ballad is inserted when the humane compassion arose amongst the Chosun people although each one's circumstance differs. The stories of the people that Shim met on the ship to Japan are illustrated in earnest and in great detail at Chapter 14. The similar format in which the different stories are repeated six times seems to be strategically employed to enhance the tragic atmosphere.
It is more interesting that the song describes people of a wide range of social classes from nobleman to farmhands. The sorrow is deepened as the homeland has been destroyed, the past social status is meaningless, and everyone is living the homogeneous colonist life. As the ballad mirrors the sorrow that each one of Chosun people felt in the colonist country where individual life has been ruptured, its repetitive format and nuance accomplish a strong literary effect. The space of Japan in the ballad in Dong Yu Gam Hung Lok ultimately represents Chosun people's nostalgia towards their past, current demise and the violence of alienated modern world. Therefore, Dong Yu Gam Hung Lok should be considered a exemplary song of the 1920's awakening the need for a new perspective to sympathize with Chosun people's sorrow by revealing each individual's story and contemporary historical situations.