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KCI 등재
「우적가(遇賊歌)」 연구(硏究)
A Study on Wujeok-ga
박인희 ( Park In-hee )
어문연구 39권 3호 203-230(28pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003713682

「遇賊歌」는 永才가 盜賊들을 佛敎에 歸依시킨 노래로 이해되고 있다. ‘永才遇賊’조를 살펴보면 도적들이 佛敎에 歸依한 것은 「遇賊歌」 때문만은 아니다. 도적들이 佛敎에 歸依한 것은 「遇賊歌」를 잘못 이해하였다가 ‘財物이 地獄 가는 根本’이라는 영재의 말을 통해 「遇賊歌」를 잘못 이해하였다는 것을 깨닫는 一連의 過程을 거쳤기 때문이다. 「遇賊歌」는 永才의 입장에서 보면 隱居하러 가는 길이 어렵더라도 가서 善業을 쌓으려는 의지와 심정을 표현한 노래지만, 盜賊들의 입장에서 보면 財物만 있으면 不足한 善業을 채울 수 있고 惡業을 씻어낼 수 있다는 것을 알려주는 노래이다. 결국 「遇賊歌」는 二重的으로 解釋될 수 있는 노래인 셈이다. 「遇賊歌」가 二重的으로 解釋될 수 있는 것은 盜賊들이 世俗的 價値觀에 迷惑되어 「遇賊歌」를 잘못 이해했기 때문이다. 永才는 世俗的 價値觀에 迷惑되었던 盜賊들이 覺醒하도록 도와 佛敎에 歸依토록 했다. 「遇賊歌」는 이 과정에서 盜賊들의 迷惑됨을 보여주는 노래가 된다.

Wujeok-ga has been understood as the song that Yeongjae had thieves convert to Buddhism. By the way, when the thieves listened to the song for the first time, they were impressed by it and gave Yeongjae silk. Their act is not appropriate from buddhist viewpoints, because of clinging to wealth. Thinking this way, it is a question whether Wujeok-ga had the thieves convert to Buddhism. This paper attempts to look into what kind of role Wujeok-ga played in the thieves' conversion to Buddhism. Through this, the content of Wujeok-ga would be illuminating, too. Up to the present time, Wujeok-ga has not been decoded perfectly. It is because there are three omitted words. And some words are presumed as misprinted because it doesn't make sense just with written chinese letters. For those reasons, the content has been understood by a liberal translation of a large portion of it. However, the biggest problem in understanding Wujeok-ga is an attitude to understand the song just from Yeongjae's standpoint who sung it. Wujeok-ga is the song that Yeongjae sung because the thieves commanded him to sing. Therefore, Wujeok-ga should be understood about how the thieves listened to it, from the thieves' standpoint, too. This study found that Wujeok-ga is a song that might be understood differently from Yeongjae's standpoint and from the thieves'. From Yeongjae's standpoint, Wujeok-ga is a song expressing his will that even his death will not hinder him from going to seclude himself and his regret that, if he doesn't go, he can't complete good deeds. From the thieves' standpoint, Wujeok-ga is a song informing what, if they have wealth, they can supplement their insufficient good deeds and purge away their evil deeds. For this reason, the thieves gave Yeongjae silk but he rejected it because wealth was a fundamental factor for going to the hell and thus he was going to seclude himself. According to the two standpoints, Wujeok-ga is actually a song that can be explicated dually. Yeongjae knew that the thieves would misunderstand his song. He sung the song like that because he tried to give the thieves enlightenment and then to have them convert to Buddhism. Wujeok-ga had the thieves plunge in delusion and Yeongjae's statement had them get out of the delusion. Through this process, the thieves came to understand the meaning of life in Buddhism. After all Wujeok-ga is a song that had the thieves misunderstood and played a role in their conversion to Buddhism. However, looking into only Wujeok-ga, it is difficult to regard Wujeok-ga as the only reason that the thieves converted to Buddhism.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]