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항해(沆瀣) 홍길주(洪吉周)의 「상씨종족전(常氏宗族傳)」 연구-공방전류(孔方傳類) 가전(假傳)의 전통과 연계하여-
A Study of the Family Story of Sang Written by Hang-hae
이홍식 ( Lee Hong-shik )
어문연구 vol. 32 iss. 3 391-415(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003713006

이 論文은 沆瀣 洪吉周의 초기 창작품인 「常氏宗族傳」을 분석하여, 작품이 탄생하게 된 淵源을 밝히고 史的 의미를 부여하는 데 목적이 있다. 이는 林椿의 「孔方傳」, 金萬鎭의 「錢神傳」, 曺圭喆의 「孔方傳」으로 이어지는 孔方傳類 假傳創作의 外延을 확장하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. 다른 傳과 달리 「常氏宗族傳」은 조선후기에 활발하게 유통된 常平通寶를 입전한 작품으로, 소재 및 작품의 시·공간적 배경을 중국이 아닌 조선에서 찾고 있다. 이를 통해 沆瀣의 우리 문학(문자), 역사, 예술에 대한 관심의 단초, 주체적 自覺을 읽을 수 있다. 「常氏宗族傳」은 傳의 형식을 그대로 유지하면서도 서사보다는 설명 위주의 서술 방식을 택하고 있는데, 이는 이중적 속성과 파급력이 강한 孔方을 正道로 다스려야 한다는 비평의식을 드러내는 데 유용하게 작용하고 있다. 물론 이런 의식은 道를 통해 文章을 완성하려 했던 그의 초기 문학관과도 상통한다.

Influenced by Gongbangjeon by Lim, Chun, the Family Story of Sang written by Hang-hae was created prior to Jeonsinjeon by Kim, Man-jin. Until recently only Gongbangjeon by Lim, Chun, Jeonsinjeon by Kim, Man-jin and Gongbangjeon by Jo, Kyu-chul have been known as works about money, this paper has confirmed that the Family Story of Sang by Hang-hae had followed up the tradition. In some of view points, the Family Story of Sang by Hang-hae shows differences comparing the other three works. Due to the literary and social outlook of Hang-hea, those features enrich the extension of Gongbangjeon series. The work of Hang-hea is not about ‘Gongbang’, the popular name of ancient Chinese coins, but about ‘Snagpyuntongbo’ the currency actively circulated in the late of Chosun Dynasty. Also Hang-hea had not chosen the china but the Chosun as apace and time setting of his work, so we can realize that he had strong interest about korean literature, history, and art. Although the Family Story of Sang keep up the general form of prior works, it achieves totally different sense of art, using more explanatory style than such narrative form as other prior works. Additionally, its explanatory style was proved to be very effective, because the work had made critical focus on management of money which is such of duplicity and strong spreading, instead of critique focused on characters liken to money. Also, the sense of Hang-hea, trying to reform the actual state by the straight way, communicates his early literary view to create a work cultivating his moral sense. Mentioned all above, the Family Story of Sang by Hang-hae can be a very important work succeeded to many of Gongbangjeons, prior works about money, as well as a representative one effectively embodying writter's literary and social outlook.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]