이 論文은 李光洙의 『無情』을 형성하는 敍述 技法의 樣相과 그 서사적 담론을 통해 疏通되는 作家의 觀念的 態度를 밝혀보고자 하는 것을 주된 目的으로 한다. 먼저 無情은 다양한 초점화 기법을 통해 작품의 生動感과 現實感을 제공하고 있다. 또한 過渡期的 人物들의 갈등과 관념 등을 더욱 逼眞하게 그려내고 있다. 時間 逆轉의 敍述 方式은 인물의 성격을 창조하고 內面意識에 合理性을 賦與하고 있으며, 미학적 효과를 이끌어 내고 있다.
한편, 作家-敍述者의 權威的 態度는 社會啓蒙이라는 主題 傳達의 統一性에 기여하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 敍述 態度가 作品의 리얼리티를 毁損하고 있음은 물론, 텍스트 외적 의미의 왜곡을 초래했음은 辨明할 수 없는 이 作品의 弱點이기도 하다. 결국 『無情』은 作家의 觀念的 態度를 多樣한 敍述 技法을 통해 浮彫 해낸 文學的 緊張의 産物인 것이다.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the writer's ideological attitude, which is communicated through the phase of narrative techniques and narrative discourse of 『Mujeong』 by Lee, Kwang-soo.
In this novel, animated feeling and the sense of reality are enhanced via a variety of focalization techniques. In other words, the depiction of detailed scenes and activities through external focalization offers the sense of vividness and reality. In addition, psychological conflict and ideology of the characters in transition times are more realistically portrayed utilizing an internal focalization technique at the backdrop of focuser-character narrative situation.
The way of narrating analepses creates characters' personalities and grants rationality to their inner consciousness. In some way, an aesthetic effect is drawn by pursuing the transformation of descriptive structure through reservation or retroactive provision of specific information. Also, The way of narrating analepses plays another role of logically explaining the result of cognition and activities.
Meanwhile, authoritative attitude of writer-narrator contributes to uniformity of the conveyance of a theme, that is social enlightenment, as a description strategy to express the writer's ideological attitude amid transitional social and historical setting. On one hand, however, we cannot deny that reality of this work has been damaged, due to excessive authoritative description attitude. It is a indefensible drawback of this work that this descriptive attitude has overlooked or promoted the reality of heteronomous modernization (colonialization) and the distorted view on Japan.
In conclusion, 『Mujeong』 is the work of literary tension in which the writer's ideological attitude was portrayed through various narrative techniques.