Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the subjective oral health status, oral health promotion behaviors, and related factors in the university students in Jeonnam. Methods: A self-reported survey was completed by 480 university students in Jeonnam from June 1 to 15, 2016 based on convenience sampling. The questionnaires consisted of general characteristics of the subjects, subjective oral health status, and oral health promotion behaviors. The collected data were analyzed by frequency analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis among others. Results: The average of subjective oral health status was 3.36 and the oral health promotion behavior was 2.87. It was shown to have influence upon the oral health promotion behaviors in the more the use of oral care products, in the better the oral health condition, in the more dental visit experience, in the more you do not drink, and in the more experience in oral health education. Conclusions: To improve the oral health in the university students, interest, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in the oral health should be changed through development of oral health education programs. Also, efforts to develop curriculum and establish the university policies will be necessary so as for the university students to have responsibility for general health care including oral health in the universities.