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고구려(高句麗) 지명(地名) ‘제차파의(濟次巴衣)’의 ‘제차(濟次)’와 알타이 어족(語族) 가설(假說)
Altaic Theory and Jecha(濟次) in Goguryeoic Toponim
임홍빈 ( Im Hong-pin )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003731457

『三國史記』 地理志에 나타나는 高句麗 地名 ‘濟次巴衣’ 혹은 ‘齊次巴衣’에 대해서는 그동안 效果的인 解讀이 이루어지지 못하였다. 이에 대하여 本稿는 ‘孔巖縣’을 ‘乳巖縣’의 轉訛로 보았다. ‘젖’의 高句麗語 再構形 /*tsy?tsi/는 日本語의 /*titi/와 직접적으로 比較된다. 다른 알타이어들과의 비교에서도 추상재구형 ‘*TVDW’에 변별적 자질을 적용함으로써 그들의 기원적인 동질성을 확인할 수 있었다. 분비물을 가리키는 ‘젖’보다는 身體器官을 가리키는 ‘젖’의 비교에서 추상재구형의 설명력이 높게 나타난다. 原始퉁구스어 *ca(i)Зa-n, 原始몽골어 *ceyeЗi, 原始튀르크어 *cicig (/*cicig) 등이 아주 印象的인 類似性을 보이는 것이다. 이는 韓國語와 日本語, 원시퉁구스어와 원시몽골어 및 원시튀르크어가 ‘젖’에 관한 추상재구형 *TVDW를 공유하고 있음을 의미한다. 이는 알타이어의 親族 關係를 根源的으로 否定하는 것은 穩當한 것이 아님을 말해 준다.

This paper attempts to reconstruct a Goguryeoic word Jecha(濟次) contained in Jechapaeui-hyeon(濟次巴衣縣) renamed into Gongam-hyeon(孔巖縣), which appears in Samguksagi(三國史記). Most scholars including Gang(1975), Lee(1972), and Beckwith(2004) saw that the putative Goguryeoic word Jecha(濟次) means ‘hole’(孔). However, it is unthinkable that the word Jecha(濟次) means ‘hole’(孔). The phonetic form Jecha(濟次) has no hints about its meaning in Korean, though it is agreed that the relation between sound and meaning of a particular word is not always in the intuition of an intellectual Korean native speaker. In addition, the Goguryeoic has another word Gapi(甲比) meaning ‘hole’(穴). This paper sees that the Chinese letter 孔(Gong) of Gongam-hyeon(孔巖縣) could be a corrupt form of 乳(Yu), due to the error intervened in the process of data collections and transcriptions. The Chinese letter 孔(Gong) and 乳(Yu) are very similar in form, especially in the writing style(草書體), and the sound Jecha(濟次) also suggests the meaning of 乳(Yu) ‘breast’ or ‘milk’. The most powerful evidence for this reading is a rock suggesting 乳(Yu), found in the District of Yangcheon(陽川區), the modern Jechapaeui-hyeon(濟次巴衣縣). Now the phonetic form of jecha(齊次) reconstructed as *tsy?tsi can be properly read with the meaning of 乳(Yu). This form *tsy?tsi is directly comparable with the Old Japanese *titi ‘breast’ or ‘milk’. These two forms could be both comprised in the Abstract Reconstructed Form(ARF) *TVDW’, where *T can be represented by distinctive features like [+consonantal, +anterior, +coronal], *V [+vocalic, -back, -low], *D [+consonantal, +anterior, +coronal], and *W [+vocalic, -back, -low]. The Goguryeoic forms *T and *D in the *TVDW show palatalizations somewhat distinct from those of the Old Japanese. This difference between Goguryeoic and Old Japanese can be seen as particular development in particular languages. The other Altaic forms meaning ‘breast’ or ‘milk’ could be also comprised in the ARF *TVDW. The proto-Tungusic *ca(i)Зa-n, proto-ongolic *ceyeЗi, Proto-Turkic *cicig(/*cicig) meaning ‘breast’ show more impressive similarity than the forms indicating ‘milk’. These forms are not perfectly identical, but the ARF approach applying distinctive features can fulfil the explanatory power, by considering the skeletal frame like *TVDW. Recently, the Altaic Theory is under the severe attack from the anti-Altaicists. However, the details of the comparisons shown above tell us that the Altaic Theory has not yet been fully appreciated.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]