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KCI 등재
16~17세기 ‘입언(立言)’·‘입언수후(立言垂後)’에 대한 의식(意識)과 수용(受容) 맥락
Context of the Consciousness and Acceptance of the ‘Expression of One’s Opinion' and ‘the Immortal Work' of the ‘16~17th' Century
조지형 ( Cho Ji-hyoung )
어문연구 38권 3호 463-487(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003731235

본고는 16세기~17세기 문인들의 立言 意識을 고찰하였다. ‘立言’·‘立言垂後’는 儒家 문화의 전통 속에서 儒者로서 행할 수 있는 매우 가치 있는 일로 인식되었으나, 이 입언이 가리키는 실질이 무엇인가 하는 점은 시기마다 차이가 있었음이 확인된다. 16세기 李滉·李珥를 비롯한 道學派 문인들은 儒學의 義理를 밝히고 經典에 대한 의론에 도움이 되는 言述과 글에 한하여 입언으로 인식하였다. 이는 아무나 할 수 있는 것이 아니라 聖賢이나 大儒라야 할 수 있는 행위로 여겨졌다. 17세기 張維·柳夢寅·李植·金尙憲 등은 ‘穆陵盛世’에 해당하는 인물의 추숭과 그들의 개인 문집 간행 과정을 통해 새로운 입언 의식을 주장하였다. 이들은 글의 내용과 文飾이 어우러진 이른바 ‘文質彬彬’한 글쓰기를 강조하며, 이러한 글쓰기를 잘 수행한 인물들을 긍정적으로 평가하였다.

This piece of writing was written by observing the intellectuals who were expression of one’s opinion, in the early & middle 16th Century and the intellectuals of the late 16th century~mid 17th century. ‘Expression of one´s opinion' & ‘the immortal work' were recognized in the tradition of the researchers as valuable acts that could be conducted by students of Confucianism. However, it was confirmed that the question of ‘what this proposition really points to?' were different from time to time. The intellectuals of early Cho-sun participated in politics and diplomacy through literature, and were conceited that their propositions were greatly influencing the government and that they were the doing greatness that would never fade. The categories of the propositions they thought of were the establishment of the national system and the diplomatic documents and professionalism for various diplomatic writings. The a virtuous scholar of the 16th century including Lee Hwang and Lee Yi introduced the immortal work and the right paths in life and were recognized as propositions as arguments and writings that helped in discussions about scriptures. In addition, the meanings of the act elevated as it could only be done by sages and scholars. Jang You, Ryu Mong-in, Lee Shik, Kim Sang-heon argued for the new proposition through their personal publications and by respecting characters of ‘Mokneungseongsae'. They emphasize that the writing should have excellent details with details and rhetorical embellishments harmonizing well. People who followed well and wrote outstandingly were positively evaluated.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]