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현대시에 나타난 ‘다문화(多文化)’의 양상들 -김수영, 김정환, 유 하의 시를 중심으로-
‘Multi-Cultural' Phenomena/Symptoms Represented in Modern Poems -Mostly Referring to Poems of Kim Su-young, Kim Jeong-hwan, Yu Ha-
김수이 ( Kim Su-yee )
어문연구 vol. 37 iss. 4 233-255(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003730541

이 논문은 20세기 중·후반의 시에 나타난 ‘多文化’의 樣相및 症狀을 분석함으로써, 한국문학의 텍스트 형성에 ‘多文化’(에 대한 수용 태도)가 끼친 영향을 규명하고자 한 것이다. 이는 문학작품을 통해 한국의 多文化의 前史를 재구성하는, 文學的인 동시에 文化的인 작업이 된다. 20세기 중·후반의 시에서 ‘多文化’에 대한 自覺的이며 특징적인 認識을 보여주는 시인들은 김수영, 김정환, 유 하이다. 김수영이 ‘政治·歷史의 文化的專有’를 시도한 데 비해, 김정환은 ‘文化의 政治·歷史的專有’를 도모한다. 김수영은 多文化의 歷史的經驗을 經由해 韓國文化에 대한 肯定에 이르는 반면, 김정환은 軍部獨裁治下의 暴壓적인 현실 상황에서 다른 문화/多文化의 暴力性과 非倫理性을 批判하는 데 집중한다. 유 하는 1990년대에 다른 문화/多文化의 ‘經濟的專有에 대한 批判的省察’을 통해 다양한 국적의 문화가 유행과 소비의 대상으로 화한 現實을 告發한다.

This paper aims to find out the effects of multi-culture(its acceptance attitude) on test formation of Korean literature by multi-cultural phenomena/symptoms represented in the middle and late 20th century. This becomes literary and, at the same time, cultural work which reconstitutes the previous history of Korean multi-culture through literary works. There are poets such as Kim Su-young, Kim Jeong-hwan, Yu ha who show self-conscious and characteristic recognition of ‘multi-culture' in their poems in the middle and late 20th centuries. First of all, Kim Su-young intends to offset the limping of Korean modern politics·history by cultural appropriation through positive rediscovery and restoration of Korean traditional culture and subordinate culture. While Kim Su-young attempts ‘cultural appropriation of politics·history, Kim Jeong-hwan attempts ‘political·historical appropriation of culture'. At this time, the subject of Kim Su-young's appropriation is Korean history and culture, he reaches affirmation toward Korean culture by way of historial experiences of multi-culture. Meanwhile, the subject of Kim Jeong-hwan's appropriation is politics, economy and culture of other country that urge America, Korea, Japan, etc. to new colonization. Kim Jeong-hwan strictly awakens to and criticizes violence and un-ethicality of other culture/ multi-culture in violent reality under the rule of military dictatorship. Yu ha clearly realizes the reality in which other culture(/multi-culture) in 1990s became the subject of popularity and consumption under ‘cultural economic appropriation' phenomena. The cultural way of reading of reflecting on ‘economic phenomena of culture' conducted across the society in the name of popularity is highly political. Thus, Yu ha's political independence of culture is concentrated on bringing a charge against the deception and fiction of capitalistic system and the political system parasitic on it. The recognition of other culture(/multi-culture) showed by Kim Su-young, Kim Jeong-hwan and Yu Ha respectively reflects the current political, social and cultural paradigm and develops coping with the paradigm. The Korean society and literature in the middle 20th century formed peculiar scenery through various processes to cope with other culture(/multure-culture), and has established the site for happy coexistence with other culture(/multure-culture).

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]