李庸岳의 시는 1930년대의 憂鬱하고 苦痛스러운 자신의 現實 體驗과, 민족의 具體的이고 普遍的인 삶에 대한 認識을 담고 있는데, 여기에는 憐憫Pity과 同情心Sympathy이 근본적인 創作 動機로 작용하였다. 본 연구는 李庸岳의 現實 認識과 그에 따른 情緖的 反應이자 詩的 動機인 憐憫과 同情心이 어떠한 美學的 효과를 가져오는지를 眺望한 것이다. 이러한 접근 方法은 기존 연구에서 개인사의 浪漫的인 표출이라고 평가받은 작품이나 民族詩人 또는 民衆詩人으로 규정되게 한 작품들을 모두 설명할 수 있는 方法이다. 憐憫과 同情心은 절망적 현실을 시적으로 形象化하는 데 基底를 이룬 情緖였으며, 李庸岳의 自我의 擴大를 가능하게 한 것이다. 李庸岳의 시는 憐憫과 同情心이라는 정서에서 출발하였지만 節制된 語法으로 시적 대상과의 객관적 거리를 확보하여 抒情性을 획득할 수 있었다.
Lee, Yong-ak is a poet who occupies an important position in Korean poetic history of 1930's. 1930's was the time when the Japanese Empire of was invading the right to live and human rights of individuals to the extreme as they disseized the property of its colony, Korea in order to prepare for the Greater East Asia War. The poems of Lee, Yong-ak expresses his own depressing and painful experience of reality at the time as well as the awareness toward specific and general lives of the people. Here, there are many cases in which the pity and sympathy toward the nation act as a basic motive for his creative work. This study has taken a view of how the reality awareness of the poet and the following emotional reactions are formed by investigating his poetic motives - pity and sympathy. Such approach is an effective method to explain the works evaluated as romantic expression of personal affairs or the works that made him become defined as a national poet or popular poet in the existing argument. The pity and sympathy were emotions that accomplished basis in giving form to desperate reality of suffering and frustration as poems. But although the poems of Lee, Yong-ak started from the emotion called self-pity and sympathy, the distance from poetic target was secured through restrained expression of unrestrained emotions and his poems could maintain a balance in the expression of emotions and ideology as a result.