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KCI 등재
사업자간 관계 분석을 통한 핀테크 결제 활성화 방안 연구
An Exploratory Study on the Activation of Fintech Payment through the Relation Analysis among Business Operators
길진세 ( Gil Jin-se ) , 김은진 ( Kim Eun-jin ) , 김소담 ( Kim So-dam ) , 김희웅 ( Kim Hee-woong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-003807098

Purpose In this study, the difficulties were analyzed with the field data from two domestic and interview with industry practitioners. And We presented initiatives with feasibilities to overcome the hurdle for progress of easy-payment. Design/methodology/approach We collected industry data from two domestic credit card companies and analyzed that data to prove 7 proposition in detail. Also We had interview data from industry practitioners who can understand the relationship between stakeholders. For this analysis, we used the causal loop diagram to find activation inhibition and activation elements about easy-payment. Findings The Fintech easy-payment industry has been organically involved in various partners such as customers, merchants, PGs, VANs, credit card issuers, banks, payment providers, terminal manufacturers, etc. and they have been competing against each other to hold leader position in the easy-payment market. Because of the reasons, the easy-payment does not spread out as much as it expects. In this study, the difficulties were analyzed with the field data and interview with industry practitioners and proposed five initiatives with feasibilities to overcome the hurdle for progress of easy-payment. This study helps to understand current situation and issues of Fintech and easy-payment for related research in future.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]