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피부의 전기적 저항에 대한 이론적 모델
Theoretical Model for the Electrical Resistance of Skin
오승열 ( Seaung Youl Oh )
약제학회지 26권 3호 207-213(7pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-510-000812347

The kinetic change of electrical resistance of hairless mouse skin as a function of ionic strength of the bathing medium was determined from impedance measurements. After increasing (decreasing) the ionic strength of the bathing medium, resistance decreased (increased) continuously with time, finally reaching an equilibrium value. We have modelled this process, using nonsteady-state diffusion kinetics. The results show semi-quantitative correlation between theoretically derived and experimentally obtained values. Overall, this work provides further mechanistic insight into ion-conduction through the skin.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]