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KCI 등재
Eco-SB 지중변위계를 이용한 옹벽구조물 거동 평가
Behavior Evaluation of Retaining Wall by Eco-SB Displacement Meter
강성승 ( Seong-seung Kang ) , 노정두 ( Jeongdu Noh ) , 이건주 ( Geon-ju Lee ) , 김대현 ( Daehyeon Kim ) , 정희철 ( Heechul Jung ) , 고진석 ( Chin-surk Ko )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-000425425

This study is to evaluate the ground behavior of the retaining wall using the Eco-SB displacement meter in the ground. For the purpose, bending and compression test in laboratory were firstly performed to examine the characteristics of the Eco-SB displacement meter. Secondly, the numerical analysis was carried out to determine the location of the Eco-SB displacement meter in the ground. Thirdly, after installing the Eco-SB displacement meter periodic monitoring of the retaining wall was performed. By the result, the ground by retaining wall was relatively stable except for the rainfall or rainy season. However the ground was unstable when the water penetrated the ground. Considering the measurement results, bending, tensile and compressive phenomena in the ground as well as the ground condition can be presented by the Eco-SB displacement meter. The ground behavior might be affected by seasonal changes, climate change, temperature and precipitation, and so on. Therefore, it suggests that short and long term monitoring for more accurate analysis is necessary.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]