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광복 60년, 여성입법운동의 전개와 성과
Legislation Movement of Korean Women Since National Liberation
김엘림 ( Kim Elim )
여성과 역사 vol. 4 119-148(30pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-900-000074606

Korean women have propelled very positively and diversely legislation movement to enact or revise laws for 60 years since national liberation This movement has aimed to abolish discriminative tradition against women and to enhance women`s human rights and to promote women`s social participation. Thus, there has been a great deal of change in the status of korean women and in korean society`s confucian patriarch. It can be said that this movement has developed through the following leading actors: International Instruments for gender equality, globalizationㆍdemocratizationㆍindustralization of korean society, enlarging influential of women as the electorate voter and human resources, the cooperative actives women`s organizations and feminist law experts etc. In spite of this change, this movement has problems as such a great gap between law and reality, low recognition and enforcing degree about laws for gender equality, deficient feminist law experts etc. Therefore in order to develop this movement, enlargement of feminist law experts and legal education about laws for gender equality are needed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]