이 글은 일제강점기에 광주지역에 존재했던 `광주권번` 운영방식의 변화과정을 정리한 것이다. 조선후기까지 `교방`을 중심으로 활동하던 관기들은 갑오개혁을 통해 면천이 되지만, 곧바로 이어진 일제강점에 의해 복합적 상황에 직면하게 된다. 1908년에 발포된 <기생단속령>과 <창기단속령>은 조선 내에 공장체를 확립시키는 근거가 되는 동시에, 일제 강점기 내내 기생들을 옥죄는 장치가 된다. 동시에 이들은 식민자본적 시스템 속에서 자신을 대중상품으로 만들어야만 생존할 수 있는 상황에 놓여 있었다. `광주권번`의 역사 또한 바로 이같이 근대기 기생들이 당면했던 모순들과 그에 응전하는 투쟁을 그대로 투영하고 있다. 이 글에서는 1917년 `광주예기조합`의 출발, `광산권번`과 `광주권번`의 분화 (1925)와 병합(1928), 주식회사로의 전환(1932), 그리고 기생들이 동맹파업을 통해 `자치 경영권`(1935)을 확보하는 과정을 추적해보았다.
This paper is to describe the process of the change in the way of operating `Gwangju Gwonbeon` that existed in Gwangju area during the colonial period in Korea. Gisaengs belonging to the governing offices who had worked centered on `Gyobang` until the late Joseon dynasty were emancipated from slavery through the GaBo Reformation of 1894, but they were soon confronted with a complicated situation created by Japanese colonial rule. < The Gisaeng Control Ordinance > and < The Prostitute Control Ordinance > announced in 1908 were the basis for establishing the licensed brothel system in Joseon, and at the same time a device to constrain Gisaengs throughout the Japanese colonial period. Besides, Gisaengs were in a situation where they could not survive before they made themselves popular products under a colonial capital system. The history of `Gwangju Gwonbeon` also reflects the contradictions faced by Gisaengs in the modern era and their strifes against them. `Gwangju Gwonbeon` was launched as `Gwangju Female Entertainer Union` in 1917, divided into `Gwangsan Gwonbeon` and `Gwangju Gwonbeon` in 1925, and integrated into one Gwonbeon in 1928. This Gwonbeon remained in the form of `Union` till that time, but as the depression worsened from the 1930s in the aftermath of the Great Depression, that Gwonbeon was converted into `A Joint-stock Company` in 1932. However, as the company committed a continuing breach of contract, Gisaengs declared a strike and finally secured `An Autonomous Management Right.` The image of Gisaengs in Gwangju revealed in this activity process appear as a being standing on a border produced by multilayered contradictions in the modern era. The Gisaengs simultaneously indicate autonomous individuals who were reborn through the emancipation from slavery, cultural entities that inherited the tradition, and civic entities that participated voluntarily in `Outreach Activities` without ignoring the suffering of people in those days. On the other hand, the Gisaengs were also beings trapped in a colonial capital system. Actually, they were beings that could not be defined as a single character or, more precisely speaking, that stood on that multilayered border and swayed continuously.