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KCI 등재
Bachelard, G.의 상상력 원리를 적용한 발레수업이 무용창의성 개발에 미치는 영향
Research on dance creativity: application of Gaston Bachelard`s principle of imagination on ballet lessons
노은초 ( Noh Eun Cho )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-370-000510663

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness and appli-cability of creative image training using Gaston Bachelard`s principle of imagination on participants` dance creativity. A total of 17 dance majors from S University were enrolled and under-went 7 sessions of weekly creative image training during their traditional 16 weeks long ballet course. Dance creativity indicators that were obtained separately before and after the program were analyzed using R(version 3.3.0), with Wilcoxon`s Signed rank test and significance level of α=.05. The result is shown below. Creative image training sessions had a statistically significant impact on creativity indicator sub-groups, especially on the aesthetic expression among others. Thus, these sessions had a measurable positive impact on developing dance creativity. First, creative image training influences individuals` artistic imaginative power and assists in capturing the structure of dance as a piece of work in artistic purity and originality, overall inspiring the participants of their dance creativity. Second, as part of dance education, image training can heighten aesthetic expression and sharpen artistic insight, transforming dance into a pure art form that is both approachable and valuable. Therefore, the principle of imagination may serve as a useful tool for dance creativity development, and dance majors` continued interest and fur-ther academic research in this area should be encouraged.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]