Purpose: This paper reviews the papers on service quality issues which are published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management (KSQM) since 1965. The literature review is purposed to survey a variety of service quality issues for several categories in terms of industry as well as research model. Methods: By use of the double diamond design process model 71 papers are analyzed 4 stages which are discover, define, develop and deliver. And all of service quality issues are classified into 4 categories: service factory, mass service, service shop and professional service by the service process matrix typology. Results: According to this review, there are several features of research trends. There are ‘from physical service to information-intensive service pattern’ and ‘from private sector to public sector pattern’. And the Kano model has been a steady-selling model to measure the service quality as like a SERVQUAL. Another meaningful issue was a convergency of the research method and tools such as BSC, CRM, AHP, DEA, Information System, Systgem Dynamics and 6 Sigma. Conclusion: The review paper is expected to provide future direction to improve service quality theories and applications. There are three future research topics: Application area, measurement model and research purpose.