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일부 사회복지시설 종사자의 구강건강상태에 따른 구강건강관련 삶의 질
Oral health-related quality of life in social welfare workers according to oral health status
송애희 ( Ae Hee Song ) , 윤혜정 ( Hye Jeong Youn ) , 임선아 ( Sun A Lim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000073952

Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the influencing factors of oral health-related quality of life in social workers. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 240 social workers in Gwangju by convenience sampling method. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects(age, monthly salary, smoking, alcohol consumption) and systemic health condition(systemic diseases, medication, oral health status, and stress). The factors associated with oral health-related quality of life included skin dryness, eye dryness, lip dryness, and nasal dryness. The subjective dry mouth consisted of 6 questions measured by visual analogue scale(VAS). Cronbach``s alpha was 0.868 in the study. The data were analyzed for t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 18.0 program. Results: The oral health-related quality of life in social workers varied by age, oral health status, stress status, and halitosis. The oral health-related quality of life had positive correlations with the subjective perception of dry mouth and whole body dry symptoms. The health status(в=-0.410) had the influence on the oral health-related quality of life, nasal dryness(в=0.230), age(в=0.189), and halitosis (в=0.162) in order. Conclusions: The oral health-related quality of life was closely related to the health status and nasal dryness. It is necessary to develop the quality of life improvement programs including oral health prevention and care program in the social workers.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]