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KCI 등재
기초치위생 교과목 통합교육과정 개발
Development of integrated basic dental hygiene curriculum
이선미 ( Sun Mi Lee ) , 안세연 ( Se Youn Ahn ) , 원영순 ( Young Soon Won ) , 김창희 ( Chang Hee Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000073836

The purpose of the study is to develop the integrated basic dental hygiene curriculum after reviewing and analyzing the traditional curriculum. First, the standardization of curriculum in three years and four years dental hygiene department curriculum is needed. Second, integration between subjects should include learning objectives of the curriculum. Third, the basic subjects of dental hygiene should provide and satisfy the learning goals of dental biochemistry, nutrition, dentistry and dental pharmacology, and the basic subjects should be integrated into clinical considerations. Fourth, the integration of the curriculum should make the students dental hygiene experts by nurturing and integration of basic sciences. The integration of curriculum is able to provide the unified subject that does not same and duplicated contents.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]