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분사율을 이용한 직접 분사식 다공 가솔린 인젝터의 분사특성 연구
Contributed Study on the Injection Characteristics using Injection Rate in a Direct-injection Gasoline Injector with Multi-hole
박정현 ( Jeonghyun Park ) , 신달호 ( Dalho Shin ) , 박수한 ( Su Han Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-430-000101350

This paper presents an experimental study on the GDI injector with Bosch method. The injection characteristics, such as the injection quantity, the injection rate, the maximum velocity of the nozzle exit and the injection delay were studied through the change of the injection pressure, the tube pressure and energizing duration in injection rate measurement device using nheptane. The injection quantity is increased by increasing injection pressure, decreasing tube pressure or increasing energizing duration. As the difference of the injection quantity changed, the shape of injection rate was moved with a constant form. The maximum velocity of the nozzle exit showed a tendency to increase as the injection pressure is increased. However, tube pressure did not affect. Overall, it was confirmed that the closing delay is longer than the opening delay in all conditions. As the injection pressure increased, the result has a tendency to decrease the closing delay, it did not affect the opening delay. Reduction of the closing delay showed the reduction of the injection duration. the tube pressure and energizing duration did not affect the injection delay (opening delay, closing delay).

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]