This paper is trying to apply TPM (total productive maintenance) to national competency standards for its useful implementation for the plants and manufacturing sector in Korea. TPM has been widely and effectively being utilized by various sectors such as electrical and electronic industries, car industry, machine and chemical industry, etc. as well. At the same time, some of case studies show that this was refused by machine shops, or by top managers. It has been known that top manager sometimes confuses the definition and framework of TPM and technical personnels of the middle management group lack the maintenance technology required as well as the vision of their future job. As such, this paper proposes NCS of TPM. It usually includes from 6 to 10 pillars among which 9 pillars are selected as competency units in this paper. Each competency unit has its job description and several elements. This paper also suggests that more developed and advanced job description including competency unit, its elements, performance criteria and ranges of variables will be required. Future researches also should provide knowledge, skills and attitude for more efficient practice of TPM.