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KCI 등재
Chinese Current Account Adjustment: Crisis Shock or Structural Transformation Driving?
요해화 ( Haihua Yao ) , 조현준 ( Hyun Jun Cho )
중국연구 66권 181-198(18pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-910-000078833

The reversal of the growing trend of China`s current account surplus has drawn the attention from various fields since US sub-prime lending crisis. By adopting the industry-level trade data, the paper reveals the industrial structural feature of China`s current account surplus. Further, the paper figures out firms` leading forces in each industry by using the firm-level trade data. The results show: (1) Labor-intensive industries are the main sources of China`s trade surplus while the foreign exchange-earning ability of technology-intensive industries is still relatively weak. (2) In most industries, trade surplus is mainly attributed to the quantity-expansion effect of existing products, and the effect of industrial upgrading out of high-tech enterprises and new products are negligible. (3) The quantity-expansion effect drives the rapid recovery growth of China`s trade surplus after the 2008 global financial crisis, and it can be properly inferred that the adjustment of China`s current account structure should be attributed to Chinese economy structural transformation other than crisis shock.

Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 文獻回顧
Ⅲ. 經常帳戶調整的行業特征分析
Ⅳ. 經常帳戶調整的微觀因素分析
Ⅴ. 經常帳戶調整中的危机沖擊因素分析
Ⅵ. 間要結論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]