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KCI 등재
논문 9 : 생태예술통합교육 프로그램 개발
Development of the integrated ecological art education program
오레지나 ( Regina Oh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-370-000078571

The relation between education and society is very important as the society is the field where the effect of education is proved and the paradigm of it is shifted. The ecological crisis, which is the result of consumerism, commercialism, and mechanical world view based on the culture human greed dominates, can be overcome by the efforts to change the old paradigm to the ecological one. The Integrated Ecological Art Education is the artistic method as well as educational effort to resolve the problems of humans in changing society. Each individual forms culture making relationships with others in the community. Therefore, the Integrated Ecological Art Education should pursue both focusing on the students and various ways of communicating with the others in the community. For this purpose, a program of the Integrated Ecological Art Education has been invented and applied to a group of elementary school students in Gyeongsan City, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. The Integrated Ecological Art Education program, Dancing Time with Hayang and Wachon, consisted of sixteen-hour-class divided into "Ecoexperiencing" and "Eco-sharing." This program was designed to internalize the ecological values and attitudes such as Life, History, Nature, Body, and Movement in the students and proved its viability of application to students and parents.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]