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KCI 등재
고령화가 가계의 수산식품 소비지출에 미치는 영향 분석
Analysis of the Aging Effects on the Household Expenditure for Seafood Consumption in Korea
이헌동 ( Heon Dong Lee ) , 안병일 ( Byeong Il Ahn )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-320-000105417

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of consumption and expenditure on seafood for the elderly households. Household level micro-data from 1990 to 2013 is used for the analyses. For the empirical implementations, Heckman``s sample selection model is applied to control the selection bias. Estimation results show that elderly households have higher probability to purchase seafoods than non-elderly households but spend less amount of money on seafoods. It is estimated that seafood consumption of unhealthy elderly households is relatively lower than that of healthyelderly households.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 검토
Ⅲ. 분석모형 및 자료
Ⅳ. 분석결과
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]