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KCI 등재
설계법에 따른 항만포장 단면의 비교연구
A Comparative Study on the Section of Heavy Duty Pavement According to Design Method
황석희 ( Seok Hee Hwang ) , ( Rith Makara ) , 이승우 ( Seung Woo Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-500-000105142

Due to the growth of the import-export amount of the products among countries since the 1970s, international ports plays an important role in Korean economy. Port and highway pavement designs have different considerations in terms of structural performance. Highway pavements mainly withstand the mixed traffics of light-weight vehicles, which are not heavy transportation facilities such as handling vehicles or plants in the ports or container terminals. This study focuses on the design case of Main Road 1-1 in Cai Mep International Terminal located in Vung Tau province, Vietnam. The design follows the highway pavement design specifications, AASHTO 86, and is compared with the original design based on the Heavy Duty Pavements design guides. As results, in case of fixing the surface layer thickness to 100mm, structural cross-section of the whole pavement was decreased. Comparing to the heavy duty pavement design results, base layer and subbase layer thickness calculated by the AASHTO are reduced to 75mm and 45mm, respectively. In heavy duty pavement design guides, the structural performance of pavement depends on the base layer while surface layer acts as the wearing course. However, for the design following the AASHTO 86, overall cross-section performs as the pavement structure to support the full load of traffic.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]