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A case of benign cephalic histiocytosis
( Joong Woon Choi ) , ( Young Jun Oh ) , ( Dong Woo Suh ) , ( Bark Lynn Lew ) , ( Woo Young Sim )
프로그램북 68권 1호 325-325(1pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000080813
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Benign cephalic histiocytosis (BCH) is a rare, non-Langerhans histiocytosis first described by Gianotti in 1971. This disorder is characterized by a self-healing, asymptomatic and multiple small eruptions of yellow to red-brown papules, which develops initially on the head and neck. The histopathological features show a well-circumscribed histiocytic infiltrate within the superficial to mid-reticular dermis. The histiocytes express CD68 and HAM56, but are characteristically S-100 and CD1a negative. We report here a 10-month-old girl presented with numerous plaques on the both cheek area since the age of 6 months. She had no significant medical history and symptoms associated the skin lesions. On physical examination, multiple, 3 to 5 mm sized, yellow to brownish colored monomorphic papules were observed over the both cheek were observed. Histologic findings showed prominent infiltrations of large and non-foamy histiocytes with large cytoplasm within the upper- and mid-dermis. In the immunohistochemistry analysis, the cells were stained positive for CD68 in lesional cells, but negative for S-100 protein or CD1a. Based on these findings, a diagnosis of benign cephalic histiocytosis was made. A small number of cases of BCH have been reported worldwide in published English-language studies and only three cases have been reported in Korean literature. Therefore, we decided to share our diagnosis of BCH.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]