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Comparison of epidemiological characteristics and outcomes for the in-hospital cardiac arrest between geriatric versus non-geriatric hospitals of Korea
이중호 , 제상모 , 배진건 , 정태녕 , 김의중 , 최성욱 , 김옥준
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000090402
This article is 4 pages or less.

We aimed to investigate the epidemiological characteristics and outcomes for the in-hospital cardiac arrest(IHCA) patients who were 65 years and older between geriatric versus non-geriatric hospitals of Korea. This is a population study enumerated 24,203 IHCA patients registered in Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service in 2013. The Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) outcomes including survival discharge and 30 days survival rate were analyzed. The main diagnosis leading of the IHCA patients were categorized according to the KCD-6. All patients who were CPR recipients in geriatric hospitals were compared with those of CPR recipients in non-geriatric hospitals. The overall survival discharge and 30 days survival rate were 29.5% and 28.1%, respectively. However, the survival discharge rate of the IHCA patients was significantly low in the geriatric hospitals compared to the non-geriatric hospitals. The 30 days survival rate was similarly low in the geriatric hospitals. The most common diagnosis of the IHCA patients was respiratory disease in the geriatric hospitals and the cardiovascular disease in the non-geriatric hospitals. The survival rate after IHCA was lower in geriatric hospitals, and the major diagnosis leading to CPR was found to be acute respiratory infections.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]