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Comparison of trauma care systems in the pan-Asian trauma outcomes study countries
정영희 , 신상도 , 노영선 , 송경준 , 위대한 , 홍기정 , 박주옥
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000091272
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Introduction: To solve increasing burden of trauma in Asia-Pacific region, a systemic trauma database is needed to examine various risk factors and predictors of trauma in this region. We aimed to compare trauma care systems of 15 Asia-Pacific countries and to provide basal data for the Pan Asian Trauma Outcomes Study (PATOS), an integrated trauma database. Material & Methods: Medical directors and emergency physicians of PATOS participating hospitals were surveyed via standardized survey form constructed by an investigator of PATOS coordinating center in Korea. Trauma system data of each hospital were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: From June, 2014 to July, 2015, data of 35 hospitals were collected. Total number of ED visits per year was 2 million and trauma cases of 23 hospitals were 294,345. Half of hospitals have special teams for trauma care and most of them prepared activation protocol documents for the team. Most hospitals offer specialized trauma education program and 74% of hospitals have hospital-based registry for trauma. Survival discharge rate was totally 71.5%, but varies from 21.6% to 99.3%. 20 to 30 % of survival rate dropped with severity except Vietnam with sharp decline from 89.4% to 12.4%. Conclusion: There are wide variations in trauma care system and outcomes across hospitals and countries. This data is a base for building platform for trauma surveillance and an evidence-based trauma care policy.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]