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The developement of training course for extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation on international participants (pilot study)
김수진 , 이성우 , 정재승 , 강형구 , 조양현 , 최욱진
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000091818
This article is 4 pages or less.
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Introduction: The training program is needed for understanding ECPR, as an alternative resuscitative methods in an extension of advanced cardiac life support and post-resuscitation care, due to lack of standardized protocol, despite invasive, high cost management. Material & Methods: The ECPR course consisted of didactic lecture, hands on practice of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) device and circuit, ultrasound-guided cannulation and simulation-based session under the opinion of experts. The pre-course survey and post-course survey for assessing the participants’knowledge and confidence and the evaluation for course were done on international participants. Results: The half-day course was developed due to the limited time and place for conducting workshop at International conference. Moreover, low-cost sono-guided cannulation trainer was developed by experts. 24 attendees participated, the level of knowledge, confidence on ECPR was improved after course. The satisfaction for achievement of the training goal showed high level and the evaluation of course also revealed high level of satisfaction. Conclusion: This course was the first trial, focused on ECPR, not venoarterial ECMO. We developed low-cost sono-guided cannulation trainer model and simulation based training course for understanding ECPR, based on the experiences and opinion of multidisplinary experts.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]