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Unnecessary EMS transport with no treatment at emergency department
황정성 , 김선휴
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-510-000091954
This article is 4 pages or less.
* This article is free of use.

Introduction: This study was to investigate medically unnecessary EMS transports by examining cases transported by emergency medical services (EMS) that then did not receive treatment at the Emergency Department (ED). Material & Methods: A retrospective review of EMS run sheets was conducted for patients whom were transported to the ED via EMS without receiving treatment at ED. General demographics and clinical demographics were collected. Non-intoxicated and intoxicated group were classified to investigate whether alcohol intoxication affected the unnecessary EMS transport. Reasons for not receiving ED treatment were differentiated into decision against medical advice or physician recommendations. Results: There were 212 run sheets reviewed with 92 in the intoxicated group. Most frequent time for call for EMS transportation was from 9 am to noon for the non-intoxicated group versus from midnight to 3 am in the intoxicated group. The most dominant cause of non-disease symptoms in the intoxicated group was assault. Most common reason for lack of ED treatment was lack of patient cooperation in intoxicated group. Conclusion: The intoxicated group is older, male and more likely to present with symptoms not related to a disease process than those in the non-intoxicated group. This study has identified a need for education to the general public in South Korea for reducing unnecessary EMS transport.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]