Purpose: The present study was designed to examine the casual relationships among performance and arts information service quality, initial trust, user satisfaction, reuse intention and prosumer activity in social network service(SNS). Also, we intended to explore significant factors on use performance of SNS through causal model analysis in the viewpoint of total effect. Methods: As a survey tool, questionnaire has obtained validity and reliability through literature survey, exploratory survey and pretest and sample 403 was selected. For statistical treatment of pretest and main analysis, SPSS18.0 and AMOS18.0 were employed and structural equation model was employed as analysis method. Results: Result of this study shows as follows. Two factors (precision and reciprocal action) have an effect on user satisfaction, initial trust, reuse intention and prosumer activity. We found that with an importance of initial trust, prosumer activity can be a useful and significant factor in causal relationship of SNS. Conclusion: The present study shows that two factors(precision and reciprocal action) in via of initial trust, were important factors that related companies have to emphasize to raise performance, And also we confirmed new factor ``prosumer activity``through this study. However, the present study has some limitations to be studied in the future.