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KCI 등재
일반품질연구 : 국방표준 및 규격의 제,개정 우선순위 산출을 위한 모형 개발
General Quality Research : Development of Priority Calculation Models for Enacting and Revising the Korea Defense Standards and Specifications
성시일 ( Si Il Sung ) , 김형근 ( Hyeunggeun Kim ) , 김용수 ( Yong Soo Kim ) , 배석주 ( Sukjoo Bae ) , 김준수 ( Jun Su Kim ) , 김종만 ( Jong Man Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-320-000099483

Purpose: This study developed a method of determining priorities for evaluating and revising defense standards. Methods: The proposed data integration and refinement methods are used to obtain component reliability information and to determine the frequency of component citation based on Pareto analysis. Based on the reliability information and the frequency of cited components, the target components for quality improvement can be determined and improved using various methods, such as engineering changes, special meetings, additional training, and revising the maintenance manual. Results: Based on the proposed process, we identified components that need to be improved in order to enhance the quality and reliability. Conclusion: Our process will improve the quality and reliability of weapon systems. The proposed process can be adopted for various weapon systems to enhance their quality and reliability, and to reduce military spending.

1. 서 론
2. 우선순위 산출 모형 개발을 위한 문헌조사
3. 우선순위 산출 모형
4. 선정 결과
5. 결론 및 향후 연구방향
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]